Some people only wish to pay by one specific method. If you don't accept that technique of payment - they won't bid so you will sell less products and at lower prices. The percentage of trouble involved in setting up numerous approaches of payments will be more than compensated for by the extra sales you make.
Offer the buyer a range of Shipping Methods. Some choose rapid delivery with Express mailing, while some prefer to save money with parcel post despite the fact that the wait is longer. It's constantly a good idea when using parcel post or other slower ground shipping to notify the purchaser by e-mail that it can take anywhere from 8 to 10 shipping days.
There are also some sellers who give free or discounted shipping to purchasers who purchase in bulk, say, a hundred pieces. There are also some who make a points or benefits system in which purchasers will acquire points for each purchase and once they have reached a specific number of points, the shipping will be free of charge.
If your consumer does not, always attempt to give feedback even. Simply mention that the transaction went smooth or the buyer's funds were received in a timely manner. This will help the purchasers score and they will be most likely to purchase from you once again. Some buyers are new or just periodic consumers on eBay so they might not leave a comment. That's fine you should still make it a routine to comment.
Ensure your airplane parts supplier takes a photo of package prior to departure. This will make certain they remain accountable and ship in an appropriate box.
With these eleven parameters you need to now have have enough understanding to get you started in the ideal instructions for evaluating a drop ship directory site. In addition, hopefully this has offered some food for thought in regards to thinking about a drop ship directory for your online organization.