Okay here comes the be careful warning. Some drop shippers will attempt to rip-off you. Look for eBay approved drop ship programs. Due to the fact that some charge big fees just to see their list only to discover they do not have any items anybody desires to buy, do your research. Secondly you wish to make certain that your consumers are going to receive the merchandise. Although they will have the ability to get their cash back from PayPal, your eBay rankings will decrease and you could be suspended as a buyer.
Deal the purchaser a range of Shipping Methods. Some prefer fast delivery with Express mailing, while some prefer to conserve cash with parcel post despite the fact that the wait is longer. When using parcel post or other read more slower ground shipping to alert the purchaser by e-mail that it can take anywhere from 8 to 10 days, it's always a good idea.
Producers of promotional items have a production time anywhere from 5 business days all the way approximately 20 service days. That's not counting the proofing process which can use up to another 5 company days depending on the variety of revisions.
EBay tip 2. The measurements of your package. Feeling in one's bones the weight isn't enough. You need to also understand the dimensions of the package. Some bundles cost more to deliver due their dimensions. Therefore measure the measurements of the bundle before going to note the item.
Right behind incorrect packaging is over paying for shipping products. There are far too many sources of totally free boxes and complimentary padding to need to purchase them. I have been a powerseller on eBay for 4 years and not when have I spent for packaging materials. EBay and USPS use free boxes, UPS provides complimentary shipping labels. Regional retailers will normally have old boxes lying around likewise - this is best for those large items.
Do not let the overwhelming prospect of shipping products sold on eBay tension you out. eBay partnered with Federal Express to take the worry and fear out of shipping products to any where worldwide. Your clients will be pleased, and satisfied consumers are repeat customers - which's how you make money offering on eBay.